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Guizhou gypsum mortar production line

The production capacity of the gypsum mortar production line is 50-1 million tons according to customer needs. The equipment of this production line is composed of feeding, storage, metering and conveying, additive supply, mixed packaging, dust collection, control and other parts. It has a high degree of automation, simple and easy to use equipment, and easy to maintain. Once you have received technical training, you can understand the advantages of use, and can meet the production needs of dry powder mortars with different performance requirements.
Guizhou gypsum mortar production line

The production capacity of the gypsum mortar production line is 50-1 million tons according to customer needs. The equipment of this production line is composed of feeding, storage, metering and conveying, additive supply, mixed packaging, dust collection, control and other parts. It has a high degree of automation, simple and easy to use equipment, and easy to maintain. Once you have received technical training, you can understand the advantages of use, and can meet the production needs of dry powder mortars with different performance requirements.

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